Training round-up 11 Feb 21

This week TrackCyclingSA had our first training sessions on BKOOL. Both sessions were 1 hour velodrome rides.

Jaco Scholtz kicked of the POWER HOUR ride on 6h30 (GMT +2) on Tuesday. He also kicked off the second ride which took place on Thursday morning at the same time.

Each rider can circulate at his / her own pace. The aim is to cycle for an hour. Both rides had several “Bots” that act as pace makers and there are generally 3 groups of pacemakers which will help riders to draft.

The 1 hour velodrome challenges are open for the whole day to riders from across the world so any rider can join at the time it suits them best.

Riders from France joined in on both of the morning sessions.

Next weeks rides will be on our calendar on BKOOL